Rent reporting is an opportunity to have your monthly rent payments reported to the credit bureaus. Without enrolling in rent reporting, rental payments do not automatically show up on your credit reports 

How can rent reporting benefit you? Rent reporting can help renters build credit without having to take on any debt. Most of us require access to credit to weather unexpected events such as a job loss, cars that break down, or sometimes just to smooth income and expense changes throughout the month. Good credit can open doors to achieving financial goals such as homeownership, getting a new car, starting a business, going to school and more! Rent reporting is a great way to build credit and start working towards your goals 

How does rent reporting work?



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How does it work?

Pay your rent

Payments are reported to the major credit bureaus

See the changes reflected on your credit report!

Why build credit?

Building strong credit can help you...

Buy a home

Start a business

Make a purchase

Qualify for loans

Lower insurance rates

Manage emergencies

Save money

Plan for the future

How do I know if rent reporting is a good fit for me?

Rent reporting may be a good fit for those who: 

  • Have never used credit before and want to establish credit for the first time 
  • Have little experience with credit and want to build their credit profile 
  • Have experienced damaged credit in the past but are now working to rebuild their credit 
  • Are able to pay rent on tim 

What kind of credit score improvements can I expect?

All renters’ credit profiles are different and there is never a guarantee that credit scores will improve. However, research shows that in many cases, rent reporting results in improved credit scores in as little as six months. Those starting with low credit scores typically see even greater improvements. And renters that don’t yet have a credit score are usually able to establish one through rent reporting! Learn more about expected impact on credit scores here.  

Where do I start?

First, ask your landlord if they have the ability to report your rent. If your landlord isn’t offering this option, you may be able to sign up with a third-party company on your own. Explore some of the options available to you here

Want to take the next steps to improve your credit?
Visit our CBA member map to find a credit coach to help.